Well, I will start by saying, this was TJ's idea and a very brilliant one at that. Most parents know that when your children hit that toddler stage, it is pretty hard to get them to eat what you want. They are past the phase where you spoon feed them all the homemade good baby food filled with veggies and fruits, but not old enough yet to bribe them or force them into eating them. My little ones are very picky eaters these days so it's pretty tough to get them all their nutrients. Anyways, TJ has been juicing for several months and all of a sudden he decides to give them some in a cup and they were so HAPPY. They had little carrot juice mustaches this afternoon and each of them drank at least 8 oz! So we decided if we can't get them to eat it, we will get them to drink it. Their juice today had carrots, celery, cantaloupe, tomatoes and apples. MMMMMM.
Some wonderful Memories in late 2010 & 2011
13 years ago
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