Monday, February 16, 2009

House full of sickies

So it's official, mommy is sick. Fever, phlegm, and a horribly ache body. Little Ryan woke up this morning with a fever and Noah has a snotty nose. So far Tyler is the only healthy one in the bunch. I feel so bad for him. He is so bored of watching movies. I try and muster up enough strength to play a round of Trouble with him and even get up to get him something to eat. You know mommy isn't feeling well when I tell my son "eat what ever you want" and he grabs a pack of transformer fruit snacks for breakfast! TJ is trying to make it through work today and ended up at urgent care this morning for his sickness. The doctor said he has a bad respiratory infection and he blew out his left ear drum from so much pressure! OH MY GOD. I cant imagine the pain of that. So he is now on antibiotics to help him recover. I am contemplating packing us up and going to the Dr. tomorrow just to make sure we don't have something worse. And if antibiotics can be prescribed I'm on bored. Anyways, pray for all of us, especially the kids. I would rather suffer this sickness that them.

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