So after careful consideration I decided to sleep on the couch to avoid any unnecessary germs from TJ. I thought, this cant be that bad. I grabbed my pillow, a few blankets and an extra down comforter and set up camp out in the living room. Let me tell you, it sucked. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep last night between tossing and turning and trying to find a comfortable position while laying on what seemed like a balance beam, the horrible wind, the spotlight security lights from our neighbors house that seemed to follow me wherever I moved, the horribly loud vomit sounds from my sick husband and the crying babies, who by the way woke up with snotty noses! I finally got up about 5am because I couldn't stand it any longer only to find that my throat is raw, my body is aching and I look like death. I popped an 800mg Motrin, took 1000mg of vitamin C, my thyroid medication and a caffeine pill to jump start my body. The achiness has subsided and I'm starting to think that it might just be from the awful sleeping conditions. My father in law called this morning to check on everyone and said he has a lot of junk in his chest and my mother in law thinks she has strep throat. I know it's going around and I am still praying that no one else gets it. There is a bottle of Lysol disinfectant in every room, and I carry around my bleach solution and towel to wipe everything I touch. We are supposed to be going to Monterey this weekend by ourselves, but I cant help but start preparing for us to cancel this too! For some reason I know God is testing me right now. So I am trying to rise to the occasion and not be angry and put on the best fake happy smile I know how! ha ha.
On man sister. I often think my hands are full, but I guess you have it tuff too. I'm sorry everyone back home is sick. It's going around here to. God is testing us all though. we just have to keep in mind that we are lucky to have a ruff over our heads. There are days that I think I can't even get out of bed because I'm so sick of the tests that life relentlessly chucks at me like a speeding soft ball to the head. I love you guys! keep your chin up!