Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Favorite picture

This has to be by far my favorite picture of my boy Tyler and mommy. This was taken by my wonderful friend Denise. I was out there doing a photo shoot of her family on their ranch and she took this of us. Tyler was having so much fun playing hunters with Dax and Dylan and running around getting dirty. There will be more to come of Tyler and his best buddy Dylan.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Love it When My Kids Play Nice

I have no pictures to post for this one, only the picture in my head to explain. So, now that Ryan and Noah are getting older Tyler seems to be taking more interest in them. After dinner they were all playing soccer together and nicely I might add. Then he asked to take a bath with them and while in the bath, he and Ryan were kissing and hugging and he was even helping Ryan wash up. It was so cute. Tyler was teaching his brother how to wash! Then after they all got dressed in their Jammie's I put "The Wiggles" on for Ryan and Noah because it is the ONLY video they will watch. While I was finishing helping Tyler clean up his "pig sty" I heard Ryan and Noah laughing and yelling "moo, moo". I snuck up on them to see what the noise was for and they were both sitting together on our big over sized chair singing along with The Wiggles, to the son Calling all cows....moo moo! And the reason they were laughing was because they were taking turns yelling moo moo as loud as they could and then laughing. Of course when Tyler heard this he decided to join in and before I knew it, Tyler was teaching his brothers how to stack up our couch pillows into a pile and jump into them from the couch! Ummm......yeah, I think that is one thing I DON'T want him to teach them. But they thought it was great fun. So I let them do it until Daddy finished his shower and then their fun was over! But I think watching my boys enjoy playing together made my day, or my week rather.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tyler's First T-Ball Game

Well, Tyler had his first game last night and what an awesome high for TJ and I! We have been waiting for this day since he was young enough to hold a bat and swing. As we all know, according to TJ, baseball is life! He has been working with Tyler for years to perfect his swing first and foremost and most recently, throwing and catching. Tyler looked so cute in his uniform and his over sized hat! He of course has all NIKE gear! Nike bag, shoes, Easton bat and glove and pants. He looks like a pro even down to the black under his eyes just like his daddy wore. He was first to bat yesterday and did VERY well. People sitting around us were all talking about what a "slugger" he was. In T-Ball the rules are you hit and run to only first base and when the next batter hits you take the next base and so on. He enjoyed every moment of running each base and was so excited to score the first run of the game! During the game the coaches rotate the players through all the different positions to make sure that each child gets a chance. So this game Tyler played second base, short stop and catcher! I loved watching him. But the ultimate highlight of the night, which unfortunately I missed due to the sick babies, was the last at bat. Tyler was the last to hit and the last hitter gets to run the bases as far as they can get to like the real players. So Tyler steps up to the plate and just smashes a line drive, does a one hop and continues into the outfield! He ran the bases and got a HOME RUN!!!!! He's the man! TJ was the happiest daddy ever. His first game and already smashing home runs! And by the way, they won the game too! Here are a few shots of his first at bat.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Frustrated Mommy Needing to VENT!!!

Okay, so this is going to be just me letting out some steam so I can get back to being the "mellow and calm mommy"....well as mellow as someone with all boys and twins! ha ha. So I have to start with the end of last week. The kids started getting sick AGAIN. We have had 10 days in a row of healthy children since February! We had the runny noses, the coughing or shall I say "hacking" and followed by the "gagging" and then followed by the "pucking"! Yes, I have all boys which leads to 3 of the biggest babies ever born! They all have strong gag reflexes so their uncontrollable coughing leads to what I just described. If that wasn't enough we have the twins who have sleeping issues anyways and it's just magnified 100 times when they are sick. And when I say magnified I mean they are waking any where from 12-30 times a night!!!!! NO JOKE. I actually ended up borrowing my in laws aero bed so I could sleep.... let me re phrase that....lay there in the babies room so when they woke up every 15 minutes all night I could just roll over and help them.

So, Monday we had been planning to take Tyler to Marine World for his birthday and went back and forth cancelling and uncancelling the day because they were all so sick. Especially the babies. We ended up going and left Ryan and Noah with Ted and Diane for the day. Which was one of their worst days. TJ and I felt so guilty doing that and this was the first time we had ever left our sick kids with someone. But we decided that Tyler's disappointment would have been a greater price to pay. Our day ended up great, however, back home our little ones were not so well. Coughing non stop, snotty noses running every where..... Let's face it, they were miserable. To top it off, my father in law Ted is a major "germaphobe" so I know it took all he had to take on such a huge undertaking. So thank you both for doing it. When we got home on Monday night, the babies were awful and within a few hours Ryan woke up with the wonderful pus that drains from his ears when he has an ear infection. I knew by morning it would be full blown in both ears and Noah would be shortly following. Tuesday morning arrived and my prediction was correct. I called our pediatricians office to see if they could just call us in a prescription for the antibiotic ear drops, rather than pack up 2 sick kids, pay a $40 copay, plus drive time and money for gas. Luckily they did it. However, they called in a NON GENERIC prescription that costs us $40! Gotta love insurance companies. So we had our wonderful pharmacist call the office to suggest an alternative medication that would only be $10. Of course the office was at lunch so we had to wait. By this time it was 1:30 and we still hadn't heard back. So being the pushy mom that I am I started calling both places until I got a damn prescription. Hello people, my babies are sick and I want them to start feeling better. Finally at 4:30 in the afternoon we gave the boys their first dose of ear drops. We loaded them up with Motrin, Vick's, benadryl(which does nothing for my kids), and the steam vaporizer and put them to bed. Luckily Ryan slept through the night, however, my dear sweet Noah of course always gives mommy a run for her money. But, I have to be grateful that it was only 3 times that night. Wednesday was a pretty good day and I thought we were on the road to recovery. Thursday I got up and Ryan's ear was draining every where. I took Tyler to school and then had to go grocery shopping. While in the grocery store I kept seeing every person stare at my kids and then at me almost in disgust. I didn't think much of it because I am used to people staring at us like some freak show. I was expecting the "normal twin questions" but nothing was said. I was rushing through the store like normal trying to get 2 weeks worth of groceries done in 30 minutes since that's about the boys' limit. We have our usual routine which consists of starting in the deli where they get a piece of meat or cheese. That keeps them quiet until we hit the bakery where I stuff that day's cookie sample in their mouths, which keeps them quiet again until we hit the snack isle, where I grab a bag of Cheerios snack mix or pretzels and shove those in their fat faces, where again they are quiet until we hit the produce department, we at that point swing over to the floral section get a stupid balloon, which has to be the same color otherwise they will fight over them, and they stay quiet through check out! Anyways, on the way out I noticed that Ryan's ear was draining pus and BLOOD!!!! I now knew why everyone was staring at us. They probably thought I was the dirtiest mom ever. They probably thought I had never cleaned that babies ear since birth! After loading up a set of twins and 2 carts of groceries I proceeded to call the pediatric office where of course they told me he needed to be seen. I rushed over to pick up Tyler from preschool, came home and unloaded all the kids, all the groceries, made lunch for all of them, put Ryan and Noah down for a nap, while cleaning out the old food in the fridge, putting away all the groceries, emptying the dishwasher, re-loading the dishwasher and making a doctors appointment at the same time. Oh and also figuring out how I was supposed to have the babies in Elk Grove at 3 and Tyler at baseball practice at 4! Are you tired yet? So of course Ryan and Noah decided to get out of bed when they were supposed to be napping and proceeded to throw every diaper in the diaper stacker on the floor and empty all their clothes out of their dresser. At this point I was so exhausted and irritated that I left all their shit on the floor swatted their butts and told them if they didn't go to sleep I was going to put them to sleep! Fortunately for them they took a nap! ha ha. They finally fell asleep at 1:45. My awesome husband surprised me and came home early to help out so I didn't have to worry about Tyler. But by now it was 2pm, I was supposed to be leaving for the doctor and I decided to reschedule the appointment because I was not about to wake them up after only a 20 minute nap. After the day I had already had I did not want to take on 2 very tired boys. So they got a good nap and didn't wake until 4:30! Ryan seemed okay and not in pain.

So this brings me to last night. I think Noah slept all night. I was so tired that I really didn't care who was crying or needed me. I hadn't slept in weeks! Ryan got up at 4 am and I put him back down. He woke up a 4:15 and I put him back down. He woke up again at 5 am and this time I just put him in bed with me. He tried falling asleep but was so uncomfortable that he ended up crawling off my bed and heading into his own bed again. He slept for another 30 minutes until he finally decided he was too miserable to sleep so I got up and just held him in the chair. He was just about to go back to sleep when Noah got up and decided that he didn't like Ryan being in my lap so he threw himself on the floor and screamed like a toddler does. I rushed around getting myself ready while Ryan and Noah cried and pulled at my pants the whole time. I then heard Tyler "hacking" away in his room. He came out and said "mom, my head feels like a hot boiled egg". Whatever that means, I figured it was his sinuses. I called the pediatric office and asked them to please allow me to bring in all three of my kids. They let me! So at today's appointment our new pediatrician put Ryan and Noah on an oral antibiotic and the antibiotic ear drops. Tyler's is his allergies. So now his daily routine consists of his allergy nasal spray in the morning, his Zyrtec liquid in the morning, a singulair chewable at night and a sinus rinse before bed! Poor kid. Hopefully they will all be better by next week. But I am worn to a frizzle frazzle. At this point I am about ready to move to the ocean where there is NO GRASS and POLLEN, home school my children so they are not in direct contact with other snotty nosed kids, and put Ryan and Noah in a bubble so they don't come into contact with any germs! Do you think that is possible?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Decorating

Easter Egg Decorating

Today we decorated our Easter eggs for the Bunny!!! I decided this year that I would allow the babies to "try" and decorate eggs. I got a kit that had some really cool stuff. Besides the normal dye, it had stickers, glitter, beads, paints and little sponges to decorate too! So I set up our table so that the dye was NOT on it. Tyler had to ask for the dye and only 1 at a time was allowed for him. I set up the paints and stickers for the babies. Like I had thought, Noah didn't decorate a thing except himself and he smashed his egg to bits on the table. It made for a lovely intensified smell of the already kitchen that smelled like a giant FART!!! ha ha. But to my surprise, Ryan sat there with his egg and painted with the brushes, rolled it in glitter, and eventually I showed him how to dip it in the dye. He loved it! And his eggs look the best too! His are the green and purple ones. Tyler enjoyed himself too but as always rushes through it in a matter of minutes. But it's still fun. I can't wait until I get to sit and decorate too rather than be a referee! But I am grateful to have spent this time with just me and my 3 boys while daddy was at Hooter's for a birthday party. I'm sure he would have much rather been decorating eggs with us! ha ha ha. Yeah right.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

In the ZONE!!!

After Tyler's BIG weekend with his friend Dylan, he was wanting to just veg out and relax on this Sunday afternoon. I caught this one of him and thought he looked so innocent! ha ha. We all know that's a rarity!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Baby Boy Tyler is Growin Up So Fast!!

My little 5lbs 10oz baby boy Tyler is about to turn 5 next week! I don't know where the time has gone! And tonight he is having a sleep over at his best friend Dylan's house! I can hardly believe it. He has NEVER gone to any one's over night except for family. But he and Dylan have been waiting and asking for A LONG time. I know he is having a blast and when he is with the Randolph family he is treated just like one of them. They love him and he loves them so I am so content and relaxed about it. What a blessing to have a friend who you completely trust with your first born. Denise got them pizza and they each got to pick out a movie of their choice and I brought them ice cream sandwiches, popcorn and candy! I hope he is behaving and is having a great time. I know I am! ha ha. Here are a few pictures of my little man with his new Tony Hawk clothes and his newly highlighted hair! Such a little hottie! Gosh does he look like his daddy now!